Popular courses:
General Management
Develop and Implement Business Plans (eHCO33)
Course rating is 4.666666666666667 stars
General Management
Establish and Conduct Business Relationships (eHCO46)
Course rating is 3 stars
Lead and Manage People (eHCO74)
Course rating is 4.625 stars
Human Resources
Manage Diversity in the Workplace (eHCO80)
Course rating is 5 stars
Creating Budgets (eHCO114)
Course rating is 4.5 stars
Human Resources
Coach Others in Job Skills (eHCO14)
Course rating is 4.75 stars
Control Stock (eHCO18)
Course rating is 4 stars
Human Resources
Recruit, Select and Induct Staff (eHCO147)
Course rating is 5 stars
Human Resources
Roster Staff (eHCO153)
Course rating is 5 stars
Event Management
Develop and Implement Event Management Plans (eHCO34)
Course rating is 5 stars
Security and Risk
Hotel Security Awareness (eHCO59)
Course has no rating
Front Office
Provide Accommodation Reception Services (eHCO129)
Course rating is 4 stars
Customer Service
Provide Service to Guests (eHCO142)
Course rating is 5 stars
Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests (eHCO138)
Course rating is 5 stars
Front Office
Conduct Night Audit (eHCO17)
Course rating is 5 stars