Popular courses:
General Management
Develop and Implement Business Plans (eHCO33)
Course rating is 4.625 stars
General Management
Establish and Conduct Business Relationships (eHCO46)
Course has no rating
Lead and Manage People (eHCO74)
Course rating is 4.625 stars
Human Resources
Manage Diversity in the Workplace (eHCO80)
Course rating is 5 stars
Creating Budgets (eHCO114)
Course rating is 4.333333333333333 stars
Human Resources
Coach Others in Job Skills (eHCO14)
Course rating is 4.75 stars
Control Stock (eHCO18)
Course rating is 4 stars
Human Resources
Recruit, Select and Induct Staff (eHCO147)
Course rating is 5 stars
Human Resources
Roster Staff (eHCO153)
Course rating is 5 stars
Event Management
Develop and Implement Event Management Plans (eHCO34)
Course rating is 5 stars
Security and Risk
Hotel Security Awareness (eHCO59)
Course has no rating
Front Office
Provide Accommodation Reception Services (eHCO129)
Course rating is 4 stars
Customer Service
Provide Service to Guests (eHCO142)
Course rating is 5 stars
Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests (eHCO138)
Course rating is 5 stars
Front Office
Conduct Night Audit (eHCO17)
Course rating is 5 stars